geopathic stress

Geopathic Stress (GS)

October 02, 202417 min read

The trees are bent due to the flow of an underground stream at 36 m


When you think that a vibration emitted by a certain component in a plant can be transformed into a practical therapeutic form and applied to a sick human, we have a good example of the immensity of the invisible world which we inhabit in blissful ignorance. Some would, therefore, say that we cannot be blamed for our unawareness. Maybe, and it is not really surprising that we are in a state of ignorance concerning these invisible forces, they do not have a great press and there are only a few eccentrics who talk about them! But that is surely not a reason to neglect them, particularly when we can do something about them when and if they upset our very existence.

A little background

From an historic viewpoint, many a civilisation has left us glancing information into their ancient practices, but none as much as the Egyptians who some 15,000 plus years ago apparently knew all about “energies”, and it is not too far-fetched to say it is primarily thanks to them that we know what little we in the west do understand today. The reason for saying that is because in all Egyptian temples – and they predate the Greek monuments – one finds evidence of the technique that came through to Europe with the Knights Templar. However, more on that elsewhere.

The Chinese, of course, also developed a solid knowledge base in this field of protection against unhealthy energy, and despite the upheavals of the last century, they still practice useful forms of environmental energy manipulation. But it is jealously guarded, very costly and only filters out to the paleface world in a diluted exoteric form of Feng Shui. I suspect that in China, the knowledge of energy fields remains a local secret.

In the west, where ever since the 4th century AD, the Christian church has held sway over what can or cannot be said or done, science has been kept under a tight rein. Even though the theory of a round earth was finally accepted in the 16th century, making way for the Reformation, remarkably little changed until the early 1900s when a substantial amount of research, experimentation and investigation was conducted until the 60s, most noticeably in western Europe. This 50-60 year stretch from 1900 to 1960 was a period of re-discovery, danger and revelation. However, once again, the dominant forces – this time in the form of vested scientific interest, gained the upper hand and we slipped back into the dark ages as regards research into anything that touches on what our detractors would call pseudo-sciences. Perhaps there is no money there, yet! So, no surprise.

For whatever reasons, and occasionally, the human condition fortunately prevails and recently, the public eye in certain circles has been focused on a specific phenomena of telluric energy: geopathic stress. Buildings and modern infrastructure naturally enough have to fit into the local environment as well they can, and the common sense principles of the ancient art of working with nature go by the board. I have not seen it but it is said that there is a stele in China on which the ruler of the time, Kuang Yu (2205 - 2197 BC) had inscribed an edict which ordered the surveying of building sites to make sure those areas are not subject to underground water currents, so as to avoid the noxious influences, not to get rid of them. I think one can reasonably say that no ancient site over two thousand years old, anywhere in the world, is ever found built on subterranean aquifers, unless those currents have been incorporated into the overall design, as seen with the pagan precursors of the European cathedrals and churches of the middle ages, menhirs and dolmens of earlier times. The medieval builders reputedly even tested their building sites first by putting sheep there and observing if they avoided the area.

The Chinese feng shui experts, whom I have met and from what I understand, have no solution to resolve geopathic stress when it affects a completed building, for the simple reason, you don’t build over the bad stuff. The situation today is such, and here is the rub, we have little option but to build where space is available, and there is no leeway to position buildings out of harm’s way – there is no space, so we have to make the best of a bad job. Having said that, the architects could readily pay more attention to integrative design principles and harmony rather than trying to excel by their originality and eccentricity.

People, animals, plants and objects regularly spending time in zones subject to geopathic stress are likely to experience problems at some stage in their existence.

Per se GS does not cause illness, but it can definitely lower immunity and is constantly interfering with and altering the frequencies we depend upon for our material existence. Having said that, the strength or otherwise of the individual’s immune system is all-important, to the extent that some people sleeping over GS never experience difficulty. GS is a component cause, because of the frequential disturbance, possibly making things worse but definitely not reducing aggravation. For most forms of life and its normal development on earth, a balance in natural energetic vibration is required, or for the human and animal, resonance in the nerve and endocrine systems. So, for every living cell, whether human, animal, plant or mineral to grow, develop, mature, age and finally die, from old age and wear rather than from disease, it must, mandatorily, vibrate harmoniously.

The influences of geopathic stress depend on the source type or origin which are numerous, both natural and man-made; such as geology, geomagnetism, electricity, electromagnetism, cosmic forces, shape and form, meteorology, their combination and periodicity, to name just a few. The effects on humans can be transferred and/or transported, slow or the contrary and they are generally cumulative over time.

Even the World Health Organisation, if it can be taken seriously, reckons that 30% of buildings have what is known as Sick Building Syndrome, or structures subject to geopathic stress. I would put that closer to 60% from experience these last fifteen years. This is further complicated (for humans at least) by factors such as metals (beds and chairs), chemicals, poisons & pollutants, malnutrition/diet, recreational drugs, alcohol, psycho-social stresses, genetic weakness, electrosmog, chemtrails and so on. In nature, some plants and animals are happy (within limits) in geopathic stressed areas, while others are not, and suffer. Earth-bound lemurs, entities or ghosts are generally happy there too.

The nature of such problems is varied, but appears to cover a vast, if not the entire physical, emotional and mental range: e.g. addiction, ADHD, aggressiveness, allergies, anorexia, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, bed-wetting, bulimia, cancer, candidiasis, cell de-regulation and growth issues, chronic fatigue, cot death (SIDS), dementia, depression, diabetes, eczema, enzyme production, exhaustion, foetal development, food intolerance, glandular fever, headache, heart disease, hyperactivity, infertility, insomnia, intestinal disorders, lethargy, lymph problems, memory loss, miscarriage, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), nervous disorders, obsession, pain, Parkinson’s, premature birth, resistance to treatment, restless sleep, rheumatism, schizophrenia, sexual abuse, skin problems, stressed relationships in partnerships, stroke, tuberculosis, etc., etc..

The effects do not only concern health: houses with geopathic stress running through them are consistently slower to sell than those without (it would appear that people sense something's wrong even if they are not consciously aware of it), lightning strikes such areas on a regular basis. GS is often a factor in struggling businesses, accident black spots, failing technology, corruption, financial decay and bad luck in all its forms. Initially for humans, GS often manifests as a sleep disorder which is perhaps explained by the fact that mitosis, cell replication, occurs during sleep. If a person sleeps in a GS-free zone, the cells develop in harmony with the original state of the cell. However, on the contrary, if the ambient surrounding frequency stops the cell from vibrating at the desired level, the cell becomes deformed in relation to the original. Imbalance and disharmony follow.

Bed and work are where most people spend the majority of their time. While it is sometimes sufficient to move the sleeping area or desk a few feet and the danger is avoided, that may not always be possible. Placing a copper or aluminium sheet under the mattress will reflect the radiating waves from water, for example when an underground stream passes below, but that will have a contrary effect if there is a geological fault, and its effect would be accentuated.

The best solution is invariably to use a neutralizing system as it can further usefully offset the effects of the other components that complicate our lives: radio masts, high voltage power-lines, industrial processes, domestic electric appliances and the numerous sources of daily exposure to magnetic and electromagnetic fields. They say that GS appears in diverse forms, such as lines, beams or combined pattern forms. That is quite possible and even probable; it even varies according to the time of day and night, as well as atmospheric conditions.

Such awareness seems quite academic to me, and of little practical use. I would like to provide solutions, not more fascinating information concerning the increase in technology of the last few decades and its devastating effect on our natural environment.

Detection of GS is easy on humans. Using a pendulum, simply place the pendulum over the Triple Warmer 2 point (Gate of Humours). If there is no GS, the pendulum will indicate a positive response, if there is GS, it indicates a negative response.

To my knowledge no scientific biomedical journals have published any articles in the English language concerning Geopathic Stress. Having said that, it would appear that some doctors take the notion seriously, so there is a glimmer of hope that some suffering may be curtailed, but there is no doubt whatsoever, if we find that it is an issue we have to deal with it ourselves as best we can. Telluric (energies coming from the ground) forces.

These energies work around the clock, come rain or shine, and there is little practical point in going into detail concerning their various forms. That has not only been done well and not so well elsewhere, but in final terms, what difference does it make if it is a Curry line or a geological fault? We need, if at all possible, to avoid its harmful effect and no more need be said. For those of you who enjoy scientific detail and need evidence, the following phenomena seem to be the most frequent and a word of explanation might be of use, not necessarily in order of appearance or importance:

a/ Geological fault - caused by movement of the continental tectonic plates, in the outer shell or crust of our planet. As the plates move apart, slide past each other or move together, there is a great crushing, buckling or heaping up of material which results in discontinuities such as faults, thrusts, fractures and fissures not necessarily obvious at the surface, but buried deeply below. These movements create substantial force, as you can imagine but may well only become manifest when earthquakes occur. These faults also occur to a lesser degree due to geological ‘creep’, as all matter including rocks are in a constant state of movement. They can measure from a few yards to several miles wide. Mounting pressure within these faults can (does) affect the electrical field of mineral deposits, especially quartz bearing rocks (piezoelectricity) and ironstone, some will produce their own energy particularities especially in those places where they come up to the surface. The impact of natural piezoelectrical influences can also cause chronic health problems as was seen in the outbreaks some years ago of myalgic encephalomyelitis in Iceland, due to the volcanic pressures in that island, and in Los Angeles due to the pressure on the tectonic plates. The pathways of these energies are readily deflected and run through nearly all materials and can add to the geopathic stress on the earth’s surface, hence to humans, animals and plants.

b/ Underground streams – which can be made up of water flowing through any underground passage, fracture or fissure. As it does so, it produces its own electric current (generally measuring in the millivolt range) and, consequently, a magnetic field which can, and naturally does work its way up to the surface of the earth. This field can fluctuate depending on what is or is not dissolved in the water (sewage, graveyard or dumping ground sediment, even fertilizers, insecticides, etc.), how fast it is flowing or whether it is interacting with any other type of energy force. Interference with the earth’s natural magnetic energy field is particularly marked by the flow of these underground streams when two watercourses or other types of energy line intersect.

c/ Crossing of underground water. In a league table of radiation associated with biological damage, the crossing of two subterranean water courses, even if there are several hundred meters separating them, would be at the very top. It hurts.

d/ Underground cavern – while not so clearcut in effect, a hole underground appears to be a substantial trouble-maker in that the magnetic field developed by the various factors involved can be powerful and varied. That is particularly the case when fluids are involved, filling and emptying the space. Incoming cosmic forces would appear to squash these telluric forces as they rise upwards, because the same magnetic fields of force do not seem to feature in the stratosphere from what one can learn. Whilst they are absent in the earth’s geomagnetic field, it would not be unreasonable to assume that they have had a role to play in forming that field, at some stage or another.

Once again, this is all quite academic, because what alone concerns us is the impact on our environment and the wellbeing of the life forms we deal with. The above are some of the natural but evolving entities that we are apparently dealing with, albeit with little real understanding and regrettably, with a widespread lack of concern, as they stream into our biosphere that is already cluttered by vibrations emanating from the wonderful gadgets we have created, all of which potentially play havoc with our vibrational balance. There stands the individual human being struggling in their midst with very little help coming from the cosmic energy that could balance the whole, if we were in an ideal setting. So basically, these energies create vibrational frequencies which over time inexorably weaken the human metabolism.

A really worrying problem is that no matter what treatment a patient receives, whether allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic, TCM or naturopathic,the organism is, at a certain stage, incapable of assimilating the beneficial effects of medication due to the adverse vibration that has built up in the body due to the magnetic field arising from the ground. An individual’s sensitivity to frequency varies hugely which readily explains one person’s complete insensitivity compared with another’s immediate allergy, but that also depends on the intensity of the energy field, the exposure time, time of day (greater or lesser intensity), and other as yet undefined influences.

No matter how hard modern man may try to avoid creating danger for humanity – which is not very hard in my book, the current situation is troubling and is getting worse because of our unawareness and refusal to face facts. It was thanks to Hiroshima and Chernobyl that we know of certain problems caused by nuclear irradiation, but there is no rumour of halting nuclear-generated electricity, let alone sorting out the Fukushima mess.

We have known since the late 1930s of the very serious dangers of microwave technology, do we hear about switching off our mobile phones? No, quite the contrary, let’s develop 5G for ever-faster speeds and unheard of applications. So, it is entirely up to us to try and avoid the fallout. That is what I have been doing most of my life. Whether learning about the dangers involved, as a technical translator from French to English, specialized in the fields of nuclear generated electric power and telecoms, or exploring how the ancients dealt with telluric forces – they have always been there, causing trouble if not carefully considered and dealt with, or experimenting and developing ways and devices to protect humans, animals and nature (my pretension knows no bounds!), or studying diverse systems of healthcare, medicine and magic in order to acquire a better understanding of our phenomenal world, at least in the waking state.

What can we actually do?

There are probably a number of solutions to resolve GS but, once again, the practical concern has always won my favour, especially when guaranteeing a strong dose of humanity and respect for Nature, with an eye for perennity and confirmed quality as demonstrated by ancient methods.

The simplest (crudest) method involves using L-shaped metal (iron or copper) stakes. Four or five of them are hammered into the ground near the epicentre of the source of trouble once it has been located, the metal attracts the underground force as it reaches the surface and conveys it in the direction of the short end – to the next-door neighbour! There are other mental, prayer-based methods which seem to work well, but I’m always concerned with any form of such similar practice as it is very dependent on the individual originating the thought- or prayer-form. I’m reasonably sure that the beneficial effect can be overcome by a stronger thought-form, so if it was a deliberate effort to harm the inhabitant(s), life can become complicated. And the physical death of the originator will also result in a change and possible complexities.

The ideal is to incorporate two very precise measurements into the architecture of the building. This is what the Egyptians, Greeks, ancient Indians and Chinese were doing. One measurement – a constant, of 63.5 cms, more or less the royal cubit, is an exact proportion of the distance from the centre of the earth to the poles – 6,350 kilometres, for those who believe the world to be a globe, or the distance from the north pole to the zenith of the dome covering the earth for those who believe we are not on a spinning ball. The other measurement is dependent on the exact geographic location of the site; that will remain a professional secret because it took me a great many years to discover it, a lot of intense studying and I suspect, a certain form of spiritual integration which ought to be shared in mutual respect, sincerity and appreciation before being revealed.

The most convenient method is using eight pieces of wooden curtain rail or dowel, with a diameter of 1⁄2 or 3⁄4 of an inch, that are then installed upright in your home, barn, property. The advantage of this system is that you do not have to rebuild, just install the eight pieces of wood discretely – behind a cupboard, in a radiator, attached with double-sided tape if needed.

The good news is that the effect of this is far greater in extent than the other methods mentioned above. I have seen in a town, an area of several kilometres covered by the neutralising effect. It all depends on when the harmonising effect is countered by another wall of energy rising from the ground as a result of an additional telluric force.

The even better news, however, is that I am quite happy to calculate the two lengths for you and either install them myself, or send you the two measurements so you can have them cut and tell you where to install them, in exchange for modest remuneration. All I need is your address and postal code if possible, to determine if you are over geopathic stress and we can then work something out. Please contact me and I’ll see if it is possible to alleviate the problem, [email protected].

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