more on orgone

More on Orgone

October 21, 202411 min read


At the time of the Chernobyl nuclear accident we saw a typical example of human reaction to disaster:

- disarray,
- shock,
- disconnection, and
- back to business-as-usual.

It is only when a human is forced to act that they will emerge from disbelief.

In May 1986, President Gorbachev personally took the bull by the horns and instigated a huge operation to stop the reactor burning through the base of the reactor support and avoid a “China syndrome” (a scenario from a 1979 Hollywood film where the image of a worst-case nuclear meltdown results in the reactor core burning its way through the earth all the way to China).

He succeeded but there was nothing to be done to stop the cloud of uranium isotopes being released into the atmosphere and so, around the world, to drop out of the sky in the most random of places.

As a result of his reactivity and the sacrifice of thousands of military “firefighters” some months later, a sarcophagus was in place to retain, limit might be closer to the reality, any further atmospheric release. It is leaking again now, but it could be a lot worse and there is a project underway to close it up completely.

The IAEA ( states “By 2002, more than 4000 thyroid cases had been diagnosed” among the sole group consisting of children at the time of the accident. Further on, “It is impossible to assess reliably, with any precision, numbers of fatal cancers caused by radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl accident…”

In 2009, the New York Academy of Sciences published a book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. This book, authored by two Belarus scientists and one Russian biologist, basing their research on a host of data, reckons that between 1986 and 2004 about 985,000 people died as a result of the accident.

Where does the truth lie? (Pun intended!) Would it be cynical to ask whether it even matters now? The damage is done, the earth and so many of its creatures are suffering and, unfortunately, will continue to do so for years to come, despite Nature’s clemency.

In March 2011, the disbelief reaction was much the same when the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident happened.

There was and is a major difference between Fukushima and Chernobyl.

Chernobyl is contained, Fukushima is out of control and cannot be contained.

The Dai-Ichi (number one) power plant at Fukushina experienced a double first in human history, not just a China syndrome but a triple China syndrome. The cores of three reactors “burnt” through the steel and concrete containment and are now – slowly – melting their way through the earth’s crust. What the immediate reaction of the magma will be is a complete unknown but it would appear likely that the planet will have a serious digestion problem.

There is an absolute clampdown on news from Japan in general concerning nuclear happenings, it is even a crime in the country to speak of nuclear problems. No mention has ever been made of Dai-Ini (number two), the sister plant a few kilometers to the south on the same sea-swept coastline, making it impossible to learn first-hand what is going on. This means belief is not an option.

There is only one comparison of Chernobyl with Fukushima - there is a problem.

The focus of this article is the solution to nuclear irradiation. If ever humanity survives beyond the 21st century and looks back to this epoch, it risks being epitomized as the century of unfriendly human behavior, ultimately, stupidity and greed.

The only person in the world to have conducted an experiment with the intention of finding an antidote against nuclear radiation sickness was Wilhelm Reich in December 1950.

The Oranur, as he named it, experiment did not reach its goal but a number of immensely useful facts were discovered. In his words of conclusion “It was found, beyond any reasonable doubt, that so-called radiation sickness is not, as heretofore assumed, a direct result of nuclear energy radiation upon living tissue but an immediate expression of a severe reaction of organismic energy against the action of nuclear energy radiation.”

Accounts of the experiment can be found in Reich’s book, “Selected Writings”. There was an all-important “detail” Reich could be said to have overlooked which very probably led to the outcome. In his laboratory there were fifteen or so “orgone accumulators” when the uranium isotope was introduced into the premises! These were the cause for such a strong reaction on the part of the natural environment leading led to the above conclusion.

Nature acts and reacts quite independently of any human action. The Oranur experiment was a perfect example of Nature reacting against something she clearly does not like, and the reaction was very violent. When we get in the way of such reactions, immensely powerful frequencies at the very low end of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, we sense nothing at all but cellular disintegration is close to hand.

What is less well understood, even by the so-called experts, concerns the fuel used in the Japanese plants, namely MOX, mixed uranium and plutonium oxides. Following the accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and, of course nuclear bomb testing in past decades, there is a certain familiarity among nuclear safety bodies with uranium isotopes. In other words, the effects of uranium isotopes on humans are well-known in certain circles, especially the few nuclear irradiation-specialized hospitals in Europe and Russia.

But plutonium is another kettle of fish, it has never – at least to public knowledge - been released into the troposphere in such huge quantities and we are at a complete loss to know the specific, let alone combined, effects on the various environments that are being gradually polluted. Given that it is impossible stop it or even clean it up there is one more reason to go into denial.

All this to introduce the Orgone Accumulator. The inventor was Wilhelm Reich, MD (1897-1957) a psychoanalyst colleague in the late 1920s of Freud.

Like the majority of men of science, he believed his discovery to be due to his conscious mind, allowing him to claim authorship for what he had “found”. Unlike the wholistic understanding whereby the all-conscious spirit enables all the parts, including all conscious minds, to exist, with no separation possible, this basic reductionist, simplistic approach to the dynamics of nature is governed by the assumption of cause and effect, which require a centre-point from which to make such an observation. Humans are, in reality, neither the centre-point nor the focus of Nature, we are merely part and parcel of a larger picture, although we don’t quite see it like that and definitely do not care to!

So one more epithet was created for what we humans can only assume is and always will be at the basis of our existence. ENERGY.  It is not the aim of this article – and very presumptuous even if it were humanly possible – to discuss what we are! Anyway, an addition to prana (Sanskrit for vital breath), chi or qi (the Chinese equivalent), od (von Reichenbach’s contribution in the 19th century derive from the Odic force – the Viking deity Odin) and now, orgone.

Reich came across a phenomenon when working with sand which he suspected gave off radiation. To isolate the culture dishes from other sources of possible radiation, Reich built a wire Faraday cage and covered it with cotton and wood. After placing several culture dishes inside and looking through a small opening, he observed flashes of light and bluish vapors inside the box. These visible signs of radiation definitely came from the bion cultures. Even more remarkably, when he took the culture dishes out, the visible effects of this radiation were still seen - even after dismantling, washing, and reassembling the cage. Reich quite accidentally found the radiation that was emanating from the culture dishes was also present, independently, in the atmosphere and could be concentrated within a metal-lined enclosure. He called this radiation orgone energy.

What is of interest is what Reich did with what he “discovered”.

From Reich’s experiment and the observations of others and myself, it is clear that the accumulator modifies the frequency of what is inside the human and in the immediate vicinity.

Quite what the nature of this frequency modification is would require extensive research which has never been performed to my knowledge.

What is more, something as simple as the interaction of combined organic and inorganic materials (metal and wood) being able to influence matter is not considered as a serious proposition. But what can one say when the results are there to demonstrate that good things happen after a short stay – 20 minutes – in the box!

Not only for people and animals but food and water.

In the current worldwide situation of elevated and rising levels of radiation, with absolutely no effort at sustainable protection, what can be lost by trying the only thing that has proved its efficacity in the past.

The prevalent view of radiological pathology is that nuclear radiation acts upon living tissue and blood, causing nausea, bleeding, headache, etc. In the same way, it was and is still believed that a bacterial infection causes inflammation and high temperature.

That is not quite the case if you take the broader view of the world where humans are part of the whole, rather than the centre. Any organism reacts against an invader and a bacteria can be contemplated as just a trigger causing the organism to try and defend itself.

So, the orgone accumulator can be used to relieve the human metabolism of some of the harmful effects generated by the long-lived, deep-penetrating but short-range electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that have such devastating impact on Nature and all her creatures.

The external, atmospheric orgone energy is attracted to, and penetrates the inside of the orgone accumulator and of course makes contact with the energy field of the person inside. Reich named this interaction of the two fields, lumination.

It is, of course, the sun which governs the whole of life by means of the vast spectrum of frequencies to which everything owes its existence, maintenance and destruction. Man has severely compromised some of those frequencies but we have absolutely no idea to what extent because science does not generally investigate effects downstream unless there is a need to do so.

The fact remains that whatever we call “energy” is in and around us all and it is modified by every event, however small or insignificant, but to what extent or depth shall always remain an unknown until such time that it hits you in the face or you are diagnosed with some form of misery. If we unconsciously control our existence by breathing, digestion and circulation how much better a job we could provide if we were to assume control of the few factors that we can control, such as reducing nuclear irradiation!  You know the benefits you can achieve by breathing or relaxing muscular tension because of the impact on the emotions and thought, so why not apply the accumulator?

Using the Orgone Accumulator (ORAC)

There is an interaction of at least two energy fields when you use an orgone accumulator, the user, the accumulator and the environment make contact, so to speak, there is a reaction which depends on more factors than we can possibly understand but the result is generally beneficial. There seems to be an effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. Time spent in the ORAC is quality relaxation time. Reactions range from pain-relief, easing of tension, enhanced sense of well-being, improved blood-flow to tissues and organs, faster and more easy recovery from physical injury, better digestion and peristalsis (you often hear intestinal gurgling!), improved appetite.

Who Can Use the ORAC?

Rather than blindly following Reich’s recommendations – written in the 1940s and 50s, it is strongly suggested that you test for yourself what is best.

Orgone energy accumulators can be used by almost everyone. However, Reich noted that people with certain blocked or high energy conditions should either be very cautious or not use it. An initial increase in heart beat often occurs when using an orgone accumulating device. Even though this increased rate usually subsides, often to a lower rate than before, nevertheless, it might cause stress to already damaged hearts. So caution is encouraged but asking with a pendulum or kinesiological means should provide an answer.

Conditions that can worsen with orgone accumulator use are skin inflammations, rashes, and conjunctivitis, however, they often improve after regular use. That has been my experience when working with conditions like herpes and psoriasis and they even clear completely.

How often and for how long a person should use an orgone accumulator is a question that concerns both the energetic strength of the user and the capacity of the accumulator. There is no mechanical rule as to how long or when to use an orgone accumulator so one more thing to ask the pendulum and like that you can avoid any possibility of staying in there too long.

If you do feel enervated when exiting the box or if you are using it on a regular basis and find difficulty sleeping, reduce the amount of time spent or the frequency of visit. A walk in the open air or a bath is enough to bring you back to a normal state.

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