Spirit Clearing, or Spirit Release if you prefer, concerns the rather obscure subject of spirit clearance. Using a quite specific frequency combined with intentional thought – of those involved as much as my own, if not more, the objective is apparently achieved, and the entities transition to a dimension where they can evolve rather than stagnate in the environment where they were caught. A totally non-invasive way - no hypnosis or wrangling with entities involved - to help the disembodied entity(ies) to the light of Consciousness where they can get on with their evolution, rather than persisting in the wrong dimension, where there can only be disharmony and discomfort for them. This applies to people, animals (yes, they sometimes get attachments!), houses and land. Much of the time release can be worked remotely and we do not need to meet in order to release those involved. However, I need a precise address or a photo.
For more detail of this very personal and taboo issue, please view https://radiesthesia.online/product-details-8400/product/66e413af7e59224fd4a2206e
Clearing is a service, primarily to the spirit-entity located in the “wrong place”, but also to the host and their family, so it is upto the living individual to make an offering.
USD 75 suggested contribution