

99.9% pure metals, dynamized structured water

There are a number of essential details in making a quality colloidal, without which it is doubtful if there is any real benefit for the organism. The nanoparticle size of all colloidal minerals produced by Christopher Freeland ranges from mono-atomic up to 10 nm (copper being the ionic exception) thanks to the large area anode plates used to make all products, and the sophisticated electrolysis device used. The reason for that is simple: molecules larger than 20 nm cannot pass through the barriers that protect most organs.

Thanks to this gentle method, independent lab results have confirmed that 1 part per million (ppm) per hour is obtained with a range of the finest nano-particles from 8 nanometers down to mono-atomic size and a very high Zeta Potential (ZP) of -60 millivolts. PPM rises to a saturation ceiling of 50 ppm where no more ZP charge can be carried. Values of ppm reported by some manufacturers to be higher than 50 ppm would indicate that the Zeta Potential is very low and particles are very large. With a slow, gentle electrolysis method, the resulting colloidal water is clear and retains its potency for several years. Most colloidal mineral waters today are made using the High Voltage Electrical Spark Discharge – ESD process producing particles of an average size of 100 nanometers, therefore of dubious quality.

The Zeta Potential ZP is an electrical charge and the measure of excellence of a colloid. The molecular sized particles in a colloidal suspension carry an alkaline negative electrical charge (ZP) which is the most important particle characteristic because it determines many of the properties of the suspension. It is balanced by an opposite sign in the surrounding solution. If the repulsion between approaching particles is large enough they will bounce away from one another and that will keep the particles in a state of suspension, up to the saturation maximum of 50 ppm. If the ZP is too low (less than 20 millivolts), repulsive forces will not be strong enough, the particles will come together and may stick in a permanent diatom, then other particles come along and may also be caught in the growing aggregate. The suspension is then unstable and aggregates will quickly settle out from the surrounding medium. The ZP charges on the particle surface are normally attached to it very firmly as part of a structured hexagonal matrix and will remain there more or less indefinitely, even when diluted in the body of humans or animals, unless disturbed by mixing with unstructured water. The higher the value of the zeta potential, the more stable the system will be. That means it will be better able to withstand additions of minerals (from your body), which might otherwise

The two important measures of quality and efficacy of a colloid are nano-particle size and Zeta Potential (ZP). Particle size made with the ESD method is larger, having an average size of around 100 nm, with the smallest around 20-50 nm, far too large a range to pass the blood-organ barriers and therefore unable to combat infections in vital organs. For example, the BBB i(Blood Brain Barrier) s made up of a network of vessels that form a physical electrostatic and chemical barrier between the brain and blood circulation. Most other organs have their own analogous protective barrier which can be easily damaged by a virus. Diseases of the retina, testis, ovary, prostate, kidney, liver, thymus, thyroid, placenta, pancreas are in all likelihood mostly caused by an invading virus which targets that specific organ then paves the way for subsequent bacterial growth. Even obesity is thought to be initiated by an adenovirus. Large molecules, as found in chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, most antibiotics such as penicillin, do not pass through the BBB easily. These barriers have evolved to prevent transport of bacteria, large molecules, and most small molecules bigger than 20 nm into the brain or organ. Certain conditions such as mental stress, ageing, viral or traumatic inflammation compromise the barrier increasing its permeability. Certain bacteria, although too large, can penetrate because of their rotating spiral structure (spirochaetes) which allows them to act like a power drill. These enter the brain and cause syphilis (Treponema), Lyme (Borrelia) and Leptospirosis. Even with well-maintained lab equipment, the best ESD results fall outside of the desired effective range both for smallest particle size and for ZP. Reported ESD best values for ZP is 30 millivolts (mv) instead of Biophysica’s 60 mv. ZP must be more than 30 mv to ensure stability of the nano-particles, otherwise particles agglomerate and fall to the bottom of the bottle in a few days.destabilize it.


Structured water (SW) stores electron energy and has been shown to be antioxidant, more hydrating and can reverse certain biological markers of oxidative stress and ageing, SW water molecules join together in hexagonally structured single layer sheets which are flexible. All of the water in your body is structured water. Energized structured water recharges the ATP battery of the body. When the body has sufficient energy, its aqueous interior is highly charged allowing for optimized cellular and metabolic function in addition to greater hydration and detoxification at a mitochondrial level.


All these colloidal products are generated using AquaDyn dynamised water. This is living water, purified thanks to conventional filters to remove the large particles, passed through reverse osmosis to destroy all bacteria and virus,
brought back to life thanks to patented techniques developed in Pondicherry (India) over the last twenty years. These patented, dynamization processes include unique, energy-boosting systems so as to provide a harmonious substance, such as: blue light, passage through gold, copper and silver spirals, sound (Beethoven in the present instance). Given the possibility with the AquaDyn apparatus, one is able to select the preferred input – mantras, sura, music, poetry, and so on. The pH is an average of 7.


Worthy of mention is the fact that when dimensions are less than 20 nm Quantum phenomena begin to become important. Such effects we might expect from our nanoparticles are:

  • Tunnelling through an unsurmountable barrier, such as bacterial membranes, biofilm.

  • Non-locality or action at a distance by remote resonance.

  • Bose-Einstein Condensate where all particles are in coherent alignment like a laser beam.

  • Wave-particle duality. An infinity of possibilities exist before the wave collapses.

  • Observer Effect and interactions with Consciousness and the power of Intention on the hexagonal crystalline matrix.

Thanks to these efficient methods and techniques, independent lab results have confirmed that 1 part per million (ppm) per hour is obtained with a range of the finest nano-particles from 8 nanometers down to mono-atomic size and a very high Zeta Potential (ZP) of -60 millivolts. PPM rises to a saturation ceiling of 50 ppm where no more ZP charge can be carried. Values of ppm reported by some manufacturers to be higher than 50 ppm would indicate that the Zeta Potential is very low and particles are very large. With a slow, gentle electrolysis method, the resulting colloidal water is clear and retains its potency for
several years.

These colloidal minerals can safely be taken by drinking, spraying on skin, eyes, ears, nostrils, and inhaling via the lungs/respiratory system into the bloodstream and brain.

60 ml spray bottle – 500 and 1000 ml bottles available


171 Moo 4, Mae Ann, Huay Sai

+66 96367 3960