This paper, The Method of Radiesthesia is an attempt to clarify the extraordinary capacity which lies within our reach, if only we ask. The word Radiesthesia (the perception of waves, radiosus in Latin is a brilliant emitting ray, aesthesia in Greek implies...


POSSESSION, EXORCISM, RELEASE Possession, demonic or otherwise, is painful and sometimes fatal. This is not a sensational caveat but a heartfelt and sincere warning for those who might be inclined to take these affairs lightly. Quite what or who determines what is...

Nature is whole allowing no separation

Neter Energies – Nature is whole allowing no separation Neter Energies- Nature is whole allowing for no separation is about the earth’s troposphere, our world for most intents and purposes, governed by natural principles which although invisible, if respected allow us...

The Weird Ways of Water

To follow up on my Youtube video, Recycling Carcinogens, here is more on the weird ways of water. As you have understood by now I’m not here to alarm my friends but would like to think there are alternative approaches to some basic things in our lives, the idea being...


MORE ON POSSESSION “Nothing in the world is beyond knowing”, Huangdi Neijing (the Classic of Internal Medicine). I’m not sure if what I believe I know merits being placed in the public arena, however that is what I am doing and the reason for that is because in my...