
Research into the benefits of the application of magnets has been extensive in Japan, and it is very much on the basis of that research (Kyoshi Nakagawa, Masayoshi Nakagawa and Yuzo Matsuda, Fujimoto, Nambu and Kimura) that I use very small 6000 Gauss gold-plated magnets that are placed on the skin, the exact position determined by the pendulum, to achieve rapid repair of fractures, sprains, etc.

Isaac Newton found out by experiment that if a static magnet was moved it could induce an electric field, but if it is stationary it doesn’t. Only the actual movement causes the induction. Consider now a small magnet applied to the skin immediately above a vein or artery, where the blood flows past it underneath the skin. The blood, with its haemoglobin – a molecule containing an atom of iron at its centre – must therefore move past the magnet. Inevitably then a small electric current is induced in the iron atoms and then carried round the body, into its finest recesses, including the brain, the lungs and the heart.

The strength of this effect will be influenced by such factors as the North South alignment of the magnets relative to the blood’s flow, the orientation of the person in the earth’s magnetic field. and any other electric appliances which might be operating nearby (the cause of so many ills perhaps?). But how might these induced electric or magnetic fields help or hinder the body as it struggles to maintain its morphology by cell division?

The structure of haemoglobin itself gives us a clue. The iron atom at its centre plays an important role in carrying oxygen round the bloodstream from the lungs to the brain and then the muscles. This Fe atom (called the haem) with its unpaired electrons, can pick up, and let go oxygen atoms very easily. But it is protected by globulin, which are effectively four pairs of polarised polymer strands, encompassing the haem in such a way that their negative ends and positive ends face each other like four pairs of horseshoes.

This protective arrangement ensures that under normal conditions the haem would not itself become magnetised, or if already magnetised it would not change its magnetic condition. Remember all eukaryotic cells have a nucleus containing DNA? Well, human haemoglobin is the exception: it has no nucleus, and no DNA.

When one thinks about it, that makes sense: a nearby iron atom whose net magnetic moment is being changed continually as it collects and drops oxygen would be confusing to any DNA functioning as an aerial receiver: the haemoglobin would “jam” the DNA’s reception so to speak.

When they do become magnetised the haemoglobin cells tend to stack like coins (they are flat discs) as their magnetic fields attract each other, positive to negative.

Thanks to Emilio del Giudice for these technical insights.